QR Codes

What are QR Codes ? Well you may have started to see these QR codes appearing in shop front windows, vehicles, brochures or on products that you buy from the supermarket.

Basically they are a two dimensional matrix which is essentially a two dimensional barcode.

QR Codes = quick reference or quick response and these can be used by anyone with a smartphone who has downloaded a QR Reader.

Most smart phones have a QR reader already built into them, however you can do search on google play or Itunes and download a QR reader for free.

Once you have uploaded the QR Reader on to your smart phone you can now use it to read these QR Codes.

The QR Reader acts like a hand held scanner and once you have scanned the QR Code you could be taken to a mobile website, a promotion for a discount coupon or to landing page.

Here is our QR Code for Mobile Marketing

QR Codes
Qr Code for Mobile Marketing NZ

Why Use QR Codes For My Business?

Well this is excellent way to capture free traffic to your mobile website as well as offering promotions or for building up a loyal customer base.

Most QR Codes will take you to a website, however we have seen many small business starting to use a QR Codes and it is taking the customer to a desktop website which basically defeats the purpose of using a QR Code.

As the QR Codes are designed for a mobile website and not a desktop website.

So before you embark on using QR Codes or QR coupon’s for your business  you first need to have a Mobile Optimized Website or Mobile Landing Page.

Dynamic QR Codes

Dynamic QR Codes allow you to make changes to the QR Code at the back end without having to change the phyisical appearance of the QR Code thus saving you money on promotional material that you may have already printed.

For example: the QR Code is currently pointing at your mobile website but then you might decide that you want to do an SMS campaign.

We can now change the QR Codes back end so that when a customer scans the QR code you get there mobile phone number and they receive a thank you text message.

You can now start using SMS to build up a loyal customer base.

The facts are more people respond to a text messages that they do to an email.

Or you could have the Dynamic QR Codes do any of the following

  • Download an app
  • Text messaging
  • Phone number
  • Fill in a V card
  • Email message
  • Youtube link
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin

With your Mobile Website we will provide you with a basic QR Code however if you wish to have  a Dynamic QR Code this needs to be hosted and there is a monthly hosting fee of $15.00 + GST.

The advantage of the Dynamic QR Code is that we can send you monthly reports so you can see how many customers are coming to your mobile website via this form of mobile marketing.

Although the uptake in New Zealand for QR Codes has been abit slow the uptake overseas especially in the United States and Europe it has taken off.

The main reason for this is that not everyone has smartphone yet and not everyone really knows what they are, although we have noticed Telecom advertising on T.V. with their Tech Crunch Guy informing consumers on what they are and how they work.

It is going to be easier to scan a QR code then type a web address into a smartphone to visit your mobile website.

So the easier you can make it for your customers to reach you the easier it is going to become for you to get new customers.

Like us on Facebook with this QR Code

Mobile Marketing NZ